Keystone’s Managing Partner Shawn Kerendian has recently been re-appointed as a Probate Volunteer Panel (PVP) Attorney for the Los Angeles Superior Court, a position he has held since 2017. This designation allows Shawn to be appointed by the court as counsel to represent persons in special proceedings, such as a proposed conservatee – i.e., a person who is currently the subject of a judicial proceeding to determine whether a conservatorship is appropriate (typically an older adult with symptoms of dementia). PVP attorneys may also be appointed as guardians ad litem, referees, special masters, court experts or fiduciaries.
Shawn was also recently selected to act as a settlement officer in the Los Angeles Superior Court’s Pro Bono Probate Settlement Program. This Program is intended to provide parties with probate, trust, estates, guardianship, and conservatorship litigation matters which are pending before the Central District Probate court an opportunity to resolve their cases by an experienced attorney in the field. Shawn has been successful in settling probate litigation cases as a settlement officer.