In a 13-page court paper filed at the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Virtual Marilyn LLC is suing Monroe’s estate over the company’s rights to use Monroe’s 3D image, a report by Mail Online stated on October 2.
Court documents filed by the 3D audiovisual firm stated that Monroe’s persona, which constitutes her image, likeness, voice, signature, and name, was never been registered by the actress as a trademark, and that a previous court decision ruled that the actress’ rights over her own persona expired along with her death in 1962. Virtual Marilyn LLC’s right to use Monroe’s 3D image is being challenged by the late actress’ estate, which alleges the company will confuse people and is unfair competition.
In 2012, the federal government granted Virtual Marilyn LLC copyright registrations covering audiovisual artwork that depicted Marilyn Monroe’s image.
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